Our 50th Reunion

"Once upon a time we were young together.
Whenever we get together, we still are." 

REMEMBERING...Our 50th Reunion


Wow!!!  What a time we had!  Over one hundred and sixty classmates came together for three wonderful days filled with memories, renewed friendships, non-stop dancing, and stories shared into the wee hours of the morning.  Our faithful group turned out in numbers that defy reunion statistics.  Everyone said that they had never seen a class reunite in such numbers and with such enthusiasm, warmth and caring for each other.  As a group, we have held fast to friendships that span more than fifty years, and we have collectively chosen to care about each other for a lifetime.  The minute we stepped through that door at Heritage Hall on Friday night, we began to feel like teenagers again, reminded of a time when everything was possible and nothing was beyond our reach.  It was a week-end filled with old music, old memories and most importantly, old friends.  It was also a night of meeting new people:  classmates we didn't know that well and friends and spouses of classmates.  If you weren't able to join us, we did, indeed, miss you.

A big "Thank You" to everyone who helped to make our 50th class reunion such a spectacular success, especially to Art and Mary Hufford, the heart and soul of our reunions, to the reunion committee, a group of talented and wonderful classmates who contributed their time and energy to ensure that we had a reunion we will always remember, and to our generous sponsors who helped to make it all possible.

You may not be aware of this, but there were actually TWO group photographs taken of the class on Saturday night.  Other than a few frowns, half-closed eyes, and tops of heads appearing in one or the other, the major distinction between the two is that Dean Baird only appears in Photo #1 (you can't miss him!), and Randy Mager shows up only in Photo #2 (you have to search for him...#78, top row, far left).  Photo #2 is the one that was distributed to the class if you purchased a photo package, so the only chance you'll have to see the mysterious "sun-glassed" Dean is here on the website.  

If you happened to look at the "Who Came?"  page on the website, which lists all classmates who registered for the reunion, and you aren't able to find a particular classmate in either photo, that's because a few of us signed up only for Friday night, and some came just for the brunch on Sunday.  The total number of classmates appearing in either Saturday night class photo is 143.  Some were there for the party Saturday night but for whatever reason are not in either photograph:  Jim Bachus, Penny Huggins, Bob Oliver, Gail Green, Herb Ferreira, Diane Darville, and Elton Johnson.  Perhaps they were out for a smoke, or left early, or just got tired of standing around waiting for the photos to be taken.  As for Dean and Randy, who knows!!

Anyway, here is your chance to view both photographs.  Once you have opened the file, scroll down the page and numbers will appear on each classmate.  Scroll down further, and you will find a list of classmates which corresponds to their numbers on the photo.  The ladies are listed with their high school (maiden) names, since that is the way that most of us remember them.  You will initially be viewing the page(s) at a low magnification.  You can increase the zoom by clicking on the + sign on the far right of the screen if you want to zoom in on a particular area.  If you wonder how some folks were identified when only the top of their head shows in the photo (Linda O'Leary for example), there were some photos taken with a side view of the proceedings as the class was gathering center stage so it was possible to figure out who was standing where when the photos were taken.  One or two required an educated guess or consultation with other classmates, especially Mary Hufford,  but if anyone was misidentified, please let us know.  


Click PHOTO #1  or   PHOTO #2

We hope our class website will continue to be a gathering place that you will visit often to share your stories and to keep us updated on your lives.  We will continue to fill these pages with as many photographs and memorabilia as we are able to track down, so if you find any hidden treasures, please let us know.  Remember to keep checking our Announcements page for newsworthy items that we hope to receive about our classmates and their families.  Now that we have found each other, let's promise to never lose touch again.