A V Clubbs Jr High

In 1957, according to the school newspaper, THE TATTLER, 369 ninth graders left Clubbs to enter high school, and 336 of those students would enter PHS in the fall of that year.  You may not remember this, but ours was the 2nd to last ninth grade class to graduate from Clubbs, since the system changed in 1959 and what would have been the ninth grade class ended up being the Freshman class at PHS.  For those of you who were students at Clubbs, we've got some exciting news!  Thanks to Gene McCutchin, Sheila Phillips Smith and Arnold Seligman (and Arnold's mom who saved most of them),  we've received some well-worn issues of THE TATTLER (as well as a few Tattle Tales), and have ironed out the wrinkles and posted them here for your enjoyment. If you would like to relive some of those long ago memories, and reconnect with your thirteen and fourteen-year-old self, check them out. 

In this section, you will also find some old Home Room photos (see how many faces you can identify), plus several Football programs.  Come take a walk down Memory Lane.

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Go HERE to view the November 8. 1955 issue.  We were just beginning 8th Grade.  "After an interlude of several years," THE TATTLER returned, thanks to student demand.

Here's the Christmas issue, December 12, 1955.  The front page headline is "8th Grade Students Win Place in Journalism Class."  There is also a mention of Bob Oliver's winning composition "Our Trip to Mexico,"  which was to be included but somehow was overlooked when the issue went to press; however, it made it in the January issue, which comes up next.  In the meantime, click HERE to reminisce, and to read the Tattle Tales gossip page that was included. 

The January 13, 1956, issue finally reveals Bob Oliver's winning story about his trip to Mexico,  and on Page 3 you can see a list of the Home Room Officers for Eighth Grade.  Do you remember if your name was there?  Click HERE to find out. 

In the February 23, 1956 issue, members of the Coronation Court are announced, and the Page 4 headline is "Clubbs 8th Grade Undefeated in First Half of Conference Play."  Gene McCutchin and Tucker Cotten led the team in points.   Charlotte Herman won the Shutterbug Contest and her prize was a roll of film.  Click HERE to see her winning photograph.

Click HERE to read the Coronation issue, April 5, 1956.  The headline: "Brilliant Coronation and Entertainment Presented in Auditorium."  On Page 3 you can see a photo of Sandy McLeod in her Easter outfit, and of Julie Ann Savage, who won first prize in the Sight-Saving Poster contest.  She received a check for $5! 

May 29, 1956.  The end of 8th Grade.  The front page features the new student council officers for 9th Grade:  Mike Frati-Pietro and Gene McCutchin.  "Mike, well known for his skill in playing the accordion" was elected to serve as president, and runner-up, "genial" Gene, was designated secretary of the group.  Go HERE to read all about it and to view the Who's Who of the Ninth Grade class that year, most of whom would be members of the PHS Class of 1959. 

Go HERE to read all about the Clubbs Band, Bob Oliver's Football Round-Up, and Claudean Jameson's Platter Chatter, all found in the Thanksgiving, November 15, 1956, edition.  As a special bonus, click HERE to see the October 13th Football program for the Brentwood vs Clubbs game that was reviewed on Page 4 of The Tattler this month.  Unfortunately Clubbs lost the game to the Brentwood team, but you may be surprised to see how many of the Brentwood players went on to be stars with the PHS Tigers: Ecey Hendrix, Larry Rawson, Bruce Telhiard, Jim King, Norman Stafford, and Joe Edmondson.  

In the March 19, 1957, Tattler, you can see who headed the Royal Court for the much heralded Coronation Dance.  Do you remember the fads we were all talking about then?  Go HERE to find out in an article penned by our esteemed Reunion Chairman, Mary Moffett Hufford. 


Remember Lucky, the dog?  Or the Civics trip to Tallahassee?  How about the new kitchen wonder that amazed students by baking a potato in four minutes?  Read the May 1, 1957, Tattler HERE


The May 29, 1957, issue included the Who's Who, and the Last Will and Testament. Click HERE to remember yourself at fifteen. 




Remember how each homeroom class stood outside on the steps of Clubbs every year for our group photograph?  Here's one from Miss Cobb's 7th Grade class.  I can spot some students with the last names beginning with "H" & "J".  Click on the photograph to enlarge it and see how many classmates you are able to identify.

Here's the same class two years later.  Look how much they have grown!!  Quite a change between 7th and 9th grades! Is it easier to indentify those faces now that they are two years older?

The next group of photos are of the same group, beginning with 7th grade and ending with 9th grade.  Mostly "M's" and "P's". Look for Sheila Phillips in all three photos.  You can't miss her.  She's in the front row every time!!



Cheerleaders 1956-1957


Rear, L to R:  Sheila Phillips, Sue Stringfield, Gwen Copeland, Diane Nee, Sandy McLeod
Front, L to R: Carol Shaw, Gaye Lyles, Cookie Taylor, Bobin Glagola, Martha Reese


L to R: Martha Reese, Sheila Phillips, Sandy McLeod, Carol Shaw, Cookie Taylor, Gwen Copeland, Sue Stringfield, Diane Nee, Bobin Glagola, Gaye Lyles

Tumbling Team 1956-1957


L to R:  Sandy Savage, Cookie Taylor, Sheila Phillips, Kay Copeland, Sandy McLeod, Diane Nee, Sue Stringfield, Carol Shaw, Bobin Glagola, Gaye Lyles, Ann Morse, Judy Boseman, Pat Larkin, Martha Reese, Gwen Copeland


A V Clubbs Marching Band